Rotary Club of Tharamani - Rotary India


Total Services 14
Regular Meeting

Monthly meeting has been scheduled and conducted and discussed abou. . .

Club Meeting with Outing

As a RCT Family we have went for a one day outing in a Farm House a. . .

Speaker Meeting OCtober 19

Our Club has organised a Speaker meeting , and the Guest Speaker wa. . .

IFVR Volley Ball Tournament

We have actively participated in IFVR Season 1 Volley ball tourname. . .

District Awards Finction on 6/10/24

District 3233 has organised a Glittering star awards function on oc. . .

CLub Monthly Meeting

RCT club meeting has been scheduled on 29/9/2024 as a virtual meeti. . .

APJ Badminton Tournament

Badminton Tournament from RC Nolambur has been initiated and our An. . .

Green Rotarians Orientation Program

District 3233 has organised Green Roratians Orientation Program for. . .

Onam Celebration Oraganised by District 3233

Onam Celebration organised by DIstrict 3233, Most of our club membe. . .

Magic Year Installatation on 9/8/2024

Magic Year President Swaminathan, Secretary Sarath Babu and new boa. . .

Magic Year Board Meeting

The meeting was conducted at Presidency Club , mentor Kathir , Pres. . .

Pre installation discussion with DG Bothra

RC Tharamani team assembled at Whitefire diamond office. DG Bothra . . .

Family and club meeting

Rotary club of Tharamani family assembled for a family get together. . .

Doctors and Auditors day

Team of doctors and chartered accountants ( Auditors) joined for a . . .